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In the world of luxury skincare, Valmont cosmetics in Cyprus stands out as a beacon of Swiss excellence. Since its inception in 1985 by the visionary Bernasconi brothers, Didier and Olivier, Valmont has carved a niche in the beauty industry, known for its innovative approach and commitment to quality.

Valmont’s Swiss Heritage and Innovation

  • Swiss Origins: Originating from Switzerland, a country synonymous with precision and quality, Valmont’s journey in skincare excellence began with a profound understanding of medicinal plant extracts, inspired by the founders’ father, a doctor who treated skin ailments using nature’s remedies.
  • Innovative Milestones: Throughout the years, Valmont has been at the forefront of skincare innovation. The introduction of collections like the Time Master and Hydra3 Regenetic lines showcases their dedication to evolving skincare needs, focusing on concerns such as aging, hydration, and cell regeneration.

The Hallmark of Valmont Products

  • Collagen Boost and Anti-Aging: Valmont’s products are revered for their collagen-boosting properties, playing a crucial role in achieving firmer and smoother skin, a primary concern for many.
  • Combatting Fine Lines and Wrinkles: The brand’s expertise extends to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing skin’s youthful radiance.
  • Skin Tone and Radiance: With a focus on evening out skin tone and boosting radiance, Valmont integrates high-quality ingredients like hyaluronic acid and chamomile extract, known for their hydrating and soothing properties.
  • Environmental Protection: Another key aspect of Valmont’s product range is its ability to shield the skin from environmental aggressors, an increasingly important feature in today’s world.

Valmont in Cyprus: Meeting the Unique Beauty Needs

  • Growing Popularity in Cyprus: The brand’s rising popularity in Cyprus is a testament to its ability to meet the specific beauty and skincare needs of the region, characterized by a unique Mediterranean climate.
  • Tailored Skincare Solutions: Valmont’s approach in Cyprus is tailored to address the local environmental factors and skincare preferences, ensuring that every product resonates with the needs of its discerning clientele.

The Philosophy Behind Valmont’s Success

  • Blending Nature with Science: At the heart of Valmont’s philosophy is the harmonious blend of natural ingredients and cutting-edge scientific research, setting it apart in the Cypriot beauty market.
  • A Unique Skincare Approach: Valmont’s commitment to creating products that not only address surface-level concerns but also work at a cellular level underscores its uniqueness in the realm of skincare.

Valmont epitomizes the fusion of Swiss skincare expertise with the specific needs of the Cypriot market. Its legacy, built on innovation, quality, and a deep understanding of skincare science, continues to enchant its customers. For those in Cyprus looking to indulge in the luxury and efficacy of Swiss skincare, Valmont stands as a symbol of excellence and sophistication in the world of beauty.


In Cyprus, known for its warm Mediterranean climate, skincare is more than a routine; it’s an essential part of daily life. This is where Valmont Cyprus comes into play, offering a range of skincare products that are ideally suited for the Cypriot climate.

The Mediterranean Climate and Skin Health

  • Sun Exposure in Cyprus: The abundant sunshine in Cyprus, while invigorating, can lead to increased UV exposure. This exposure accelerates skin aging, causes hyperpigmentation, and increases the risk of skin damage.
  • Humidity Variations: Cyprus’s humidity can vary, impacting skin hydration. This often leads to skin conditions such as dryness or excessive oiliness.

Valmont’s Adaptability to Cyprus’ Climate

  • Hydration Focus: Valmont’s products are known for their exceptional hydrating properties. In a climate like Cyprus’s, maintaining skin hydration is crucial. Valmont’s moisturizers and serums provide deep hydration, countering the drying effects of the sun and sea air.
  • Sun Protection and Anti-Aging: With its range of sun protection and anti-aging products, Valmont helps combat the signs of aging that are accelerated by sun exposure. Their products are formulated to protect the skin from environmental aggressors while addressing fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity.
  • Evening Skin Tone and Enhancing Radiance: Products containing hyaluronic acid and chamomile extract help even out skin tone and enhance the skin’s natural radiance, making them ideal for the sunny climate of Cyprus.

Why Choose Valmont in Cyprus

  • Solutions for Mediterranean Skin Concerns: Valmont’s range of products offers tailored solutions that are perfect for the skin challenges posed by Cyprus’s climate. Whether it’s combating dryness, oiliness, or aging, there is a Valmont product designed to meet these specific needs.
  • High-Quality Ingredients and Advanced Technology: Valmont’s use of high-quality ingredients combined with cutting-edge technology ensures products that are not only effective but also luxurious.

Valmont cosmetics in Cyprus represents the perfect blend of Swiss skincare excellence, tailored to meet the unique environmental and climatic challenges faced by residents of Cyprus. For those in Cyprus looking to elevate their skincare regimen, Valmont offers a sophisticated solution, combining luxury with effectiveness. Embrace the power of Valmont and transform your skin care routine into a luxurious ritual, perfectly aligned with Cyprus’s Mediterranean essence.

In Cyprus, a country graced with a rich history and a beautiful Mediterranean climate, the residents have a discerning taste for luxury skincare. Valmont Cyprus stands out as a premier choice, offering a range of products that resonate deeply with Cypriot consumers.

Top Valmont Products in Cyprus

  • Valmont Prime Renewing Pack: A best-seller in Cyprus, this versatile cream can be used as a daily moisturizer or as an overnight mask. It’s celebrated for its brightening effects, evening out skin tone, and revitalizing the skin – a perfect match for the Cypriot climate that demands extra care against sun-induced pigmentation.
  • Valmont Eye Regenerating Mask: This sheet mask, designed specifically for the delicate eye area, is a favorite among Cypriots. Its ability to reduce puffiness and awaken the eyes is particularly valued in Cyprus, where the sun can tire and strain the eyes.
  • Valmont Reviving With A Biological Scrub: Despite its discontinuation, this product left a lasting impression for its gentle, innovative approach to exfoliation. It was appreciated for its ability to remove dead skin without abrasiveness, revealing radiant, smooth skin underneath.

Benefits Catered to Cyprus’s Skin Concerns

  • Hydration and Radiance: Given Cyprus’s sunny weather, hydration is a key concern. Valmont’s products are rich in hydrating ingredients, ensuring that the skin remains moisturized and radiant.
  • Anti-Aging and Sun Protection: The sun’s rays, while beneficial, can accelerate aging. Valmont’s range includes products that not only protect the skin from environmental damage but also combat signs of aging.

Hero Products and Customer Favorites

  • Customization for Skin Types: Valmont’s range is diverse, offering solutions for various skin types prevalent in Cyprus. From products targeting dry skin to those designed for oilier complexions, Valmont caters to all.
  • Advanced Formulations: The brand’s use of high-quality ingredients and advanced technology makes it a top choice for Cypriots who seek effective skincare solutions. 

Incorporating Valmont into your skincare routine can significantly enhance your skin’s health and appearance, especially in Cyprus, where the Mediterranean climate plays a significant role in skin care. Here are some tips and daily routines for effectively using Valmont products, tailored to different skin types prevalent in Cyprus.

Understanding Your Skin Type in Cyprus

  • Assess Your Skin: Determine if your skin is dry, oily, combination, or sensitive. This is crucial as Valmont offers specialized products for each skin type.

Daily Skincare Routines with Valmont Products

Morning Routine:

    • Cleansing: Start with a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type.
    • Toning: Use a toner to balance your skin’s pH and prepare it for further treatment.
    • Serum: Apply a serum that addresses your specific skin concerns, such as hydration or anti-aging.
    • Moisturizing: Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Valmont’s hydration creams are excellent for providing long-lasting moisture.
    • Sun Protection: Finish with a sunscreen, an essential step in Cyprus to protect against UV rays.Evening Routine:
      • Remove Makeup: Begin with a makeup remover if applicable.
      • Cleansing: Cleanse your skin to remove impurities accumulated throughout the day.
      • Exfoliation: Use an exfoliating product once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells. Valmont’s gentle exfoliators are ideal for this.
      • Serum/Mask: At night, apply a more intensive serum or a mask, such as Valmont Prime Renewing Pack, for overnight skin rejuvenation.
      • Eye Care: Don’t forget an eye cream to address concerns like dark circles or puffiness.
      • Night Cream: Finish with a night cream to nourish and repair your skin overnight.

    Customizing Valmont Products for Cypriot Skin Types

    • Dry Skin: Focus on hydrating products like moisturizing creams and hydrating serums.
    • Oily Skin: Opt for lightweight, non-greasy formulations.
    • Combination Skin: Use balancing products that regulate oil without over-drying.
    • Sensitive Skin: Choose products with calming and soothing ingredients.

    Valmont’s Specialized Products

    • Brightening and Tone-Evening: Cyprus’s sunny climate can lead to pigmentation issues. Valmont has products specifically designed to even out skin tone and enhance radiance.
    • Anti-Aging: Valmont’s range of anti-aging products can help address signs of aging accelerated by sun exposure.

    In conclusion, incorporating Valmont into your skincare routine in Cyprus means adapting to your specific skin type and the Mediterranean climate. Valmont offers a wide range of products that cater to different needs, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the benefits of luxurious, effective skincare. Embrace the Swiss excellence of Valmont and discover a skincare routine that transforms and enhances your skin’s health and beauty.


    Discover the world of Valmont, a brand synonymous with Swiss skincare luxury, right here in Cyprus. Our online store,, is your premier destination for an extensive range of Valmont products. Nestled in the heart of the Mediterranean, Cyprus is the perfect backdrop for Valmont’s sophisticated skincare solutions, and our online store brings this luxury straight to your doorstep.

    Valmont Cyprus – Your Online Skincare Haven

    • Extensive Range: Explore our comprehensive collection of Valmont products, from rejuvenating moisturizers to potent serums, each designed to cater to various skincare needs and concerns.
    • Expert Advice: Our online platform provides not just products but also expert advice to help you choose the best Valmont solutions for your skin type and concerns.

    Exclusive Services for Cyprus Residents

    • Free Door-to-Door Delivery: Enjoy the convenience of free door-to-door delivery for orders over 100 euros. Experience luxury without leaving the comfort of your home.
    • Pick-Up Points: Prefer to pick up your order? We offer a collection service at the nearest ACS courier pick-up point, ensuring flexibility and ease for all our customers.
    • Affordable Shipping for Smaller Orders: For orders below 100 euros, we offer a nominal delivery charge of 5 euros, making luxury skincare accessible to everyone.

    Why Choose Valmont from

    • Authenticity Guaranteed: We assure the authenticity of every Valmont product, bringing you genuine Swiss skincare excellence.
    • Tailored for Cyprus: Valmont’s range is particularly suited to the Cypriot climate, offering solutions that address hydration, sun protection, and anti-aging needs specific to the region.
    • Convenience and Luxury Combined: Our easy-to-navigate website ensures a seamless shopping experience, matching the luxury of Valmont products with the convenience of online shopping.

    In Cyprus, where the allure of the Mediterranean is ever-present, Valmont offers a touch of Swiss elegance and sophistication in skincare. Visit today to explore the exquisite world of Valmont. Whether seeking solutions for hydration, aging, or sun protection, find your perfect skincare match with us. Experience the pinnacle of luxury skincare with Valmont Cyprus.


    Valmont Cyprus: The Epitome of Skincare Success Stories

    In Cyprus, where the beauty of the Mediterranean meets the excellence of Swiss skincare, Valmont has become a household name. Our customers, enchanted by the efficacy of Valmont’s products, have shared their experiences, painting a vivid picture of transformation and satisfaction.

    Transformative Journeys with Valmont

    • Maria’s Story of Rejuvenation: Maria, a resident of Nicosia, shares how the Valmont Prime Renewing Pack transformed her skin. Previously struggling with dull and uneven skin tone, Maria noticed a significant improvement after using the pack. Her skin became brighter, and the fine lines around her eyes visibly reduced. “It’s like a spa treatment at home,” she says.
    • Alex’s Anti-Aging Triumph: Living in the coastal city of Limassol, Alex was concerned about the signs of aging exacerbated by sun exposure. The Valmont Eye Regenerating Mask became his go-to solution. “The puffiness under my eyes has decreased remarkably, and I look more refreshed,” Alex reports.

    Real Results: Before and After

    • Elena’s Hydration Success: Elena from Paphos, who had persistently dry skin, found solace in Valmont’s hydration range. “My skin feels more supple and hydrated. The change is visible and quite remarkable,” she notes.
    • Andreas’ Skin Tone Transformation: Andreas from Larnaca shares his before-and-after experience with the Valmont Reviving Biological Scrub. “My skin texture has improved drastically. It’s smoother and clearer,” he observes.

    Why Valmont Resonates in Cyprus

    • Tailored for the Mediterranean Climate: Valmont’s products, rich in hydrating and sun-protective ingredients, are perfectly suited to Cyprus’s climate.
    • Luxury Meets Efficacy: Our customers appreciate the luxurious experience combined with the visible efficacy of Valmont products.

    Valmont Cyprus isn’t just selling skincare; it’s offering a journey to enhanced beauty and confidence. The testimonials from our Cypriot customers underscore the effectiveness of Valmont’s luxurious range. Visit our website to explore these transformative products and become a part of the Valmont success story.


    As we reach the conclusion of our exploration of Valmont Cyprus, it becomes evident why this brand is synonymous with luxury skincare. The array of benefits offered by Valmont’s products aligns perfectly with the skincare needs of Cyprus’s residents, reflecting the brand’s dedication to excellence and quality.

    Embracing the Luxury of Valmont in Cyprus

    • Perfect Match for Mediterranean Climate: Valmont’s product range is expertly formulated to address the unique challenges posed by the Mediterranean climate, offering solutions that ensure hydration, sun protection, and effective anti-aging treatment.
    • High-Quality Ingredients: The use of premium ingredients in Valmont products ensures optimal skin health, enhancing the skin’s natural beauty and resilience against environmental stressors.

    A Transformational Skincare Experience

    • Visible Results: Valmont’s commitment to delivering results is evident in the positive changes seen in the skin’s texture, tone, and overall health.
    • Indulgence in Every Use: The luxurious feel and the exquisite scent of Valmont products turn daily skincare routines into a lavish ritual.

    Why Choose Valmont in Cyprus

    • Tailored Skincare Solutions: Whether you’re dealing with dry, oily, aging, or sensitive skin, Valmont offers tailored solutions that cater to your specific needs.
    • Swiss Excellence Meets Cypriot Charm: The fusion of Swiss skincare excellence with the charm and beauty of Cyprus makes Valmont an unrivaled choice in luxury skincare.

    Discover Valmont with

    • Explore Our Collection: Visit our online shop,, to discover the extensive range of Valmont products. Experience the convenience of shopping for premium skincare from the comfort of your home.
    • Expert Guidance and Support: Our team is dedicated to assisting you in finding the perfect Valmont products that align with your skincare goals.

    Showing 1–12 of 48 results

    • Aqua Falls – Gentle Makeup Remover – 150ml

      Add to cart, In stockDiscover the gentle touch of Valmont's Aqua Falls, a revolution in the world of skincare. Specifically designed for even the most sensitive skin, this water-based cleanser effortlessly removes light makeup, leaving your skin feeling soothed and refreshed. Its unique formula is a marvel of skincare innovation, offering a simple yet effective solution for daily cleansing...
    • Bi-Falls - 60ml

      Bi-Falls – Gentle Eye Makeup Remover – 60ml

      Add to cart, In stockValmont Bi-Falls - Bi-phase eye makeup remover. Efficient, Gentle, Non-oily. Dive into the world of effortless makeup removal with Valmont Bi-Falls. This bi-phase eye makeup remover is a fusion of purity and effectiveness, designed to gently whisk away every trace of eye makeup. Experience the luxurious sensation of a clean, fresh face without any greasy residue. Key Benefits:...
    • Body 24 Hour – Nourishing Body Cream – 150ml

      Add to cart, In stockEmbrace the luxurious touch of Valmont's Body 24 Hour, an epitome of nourishment and hydration for your skin. Crafted with the finesse of Valmont's expertise, this rich and creamy formula is more than a moisturizer; it's a rejuvenation elixir for your skin. It absorbs instantly, leaving no residue, only a feeling of comfort and softness...
    • Bubble Falls – Balancing Cleansing Foam – 50ml

      Add to cart, In stockStep into a world of gentle skincare with Valmont Bubble Falls, a luxurious balancing cleansing foam that caresses your skin like a delicate cloud. This silky foam, rich and abundant, creates a smooth barrier between your hands and your face, ensuring a tender cleansing experience. Specially crafted without sulfates, Valmont Bubble Falls is more than...
    • Deto2x Cream – Oxygenating Detox Cream – 45ml

      Add to cart, In stockEmbrace the transformative power of Valmont DetO2x Cream, a true innovation in skincare. This unique detoxifying and oxygenating cream offers your skin a breath of fresh air, capturing and infusing oxygen directly from the atmosphere. With its frothy texture that refreshes itself daily, this cream is a marvel of Swiss cellular cosmetics. Valmont DetO2x Cream stands...
    • Deto2x Eye – Oxygenating Eye Cream – 12ml

      Add to cart, In stockValmont DetO2x Eye Cream – A Revitalizing Touch for Your Eyes Introducing the groundbreaking Valmont DetO2x Eye Cream, where luxury meets innovative skincare. Designed to breathe new life into your delicate eye area, this cream boasts a unique whipped texture, enriched with oxygen for an instantly revitalizing effect. Its advanced formulation is a testament to...
    • Deto2x Pack – Oxygenating Bubble Mask – 6 X 10ML

      Add to cart, In stockValmont DetO2x Pack – Breathe Life into Your Skin Unveil a fresher, more vibrant complexion with the Valmont DetO2x Pack, the ultimate oxygenating bubble mask designed specifically for urban dwellers. This innovative mask, with its playful and sensorial application, transforms your skin in just 10 minutes. Witness the luxurious cream evolve into a crackling active foam,...
    • Face Exfoliant – Gentle Exfoliating Cream – 50ml

      Add to cart, In stockValmont Face Exfoliant – A Symphony of Silky Smoothness Immerse yourself in the luxurious embrace of the Valmont Face Exfoliant, a sublime fusion of creamy texture and effective cellulose microparticles. This exfoliating and revitalizing cream is a testament to Valmont's commitment to exceptional skincare, transforming routine cleansing into a delightful ritual. Crafted for all skin types,...
    • Fluid Falls – Gentle Makeup Remover – 150ml

      Add to cart, In stockValmont Fluid Falls 150 ML – The Epitome of Gentle Makeup Removal Embrace the gentle touch of Valmont Fluid Falls, a creamy makeup remover expertly formulated to pamper your skin. This 150 ML iconic creamy milk is a symphony of softness that effortlessly melts away makeup, revealing impeccably clean skin in mere moments. Immerse yourself in...
    • Hydra3 Eye – Hydrating Eye Emulsion – 15ml

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    • Hydra3 Regenetic Cream – Intensive Hydration Cream – 50ml

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    • Hydra3 Regenetic Serum – Hydrating Anti-Aging Serum – 30ml

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    🛒Nº1 Premium Cosmetics Shop in Cyprus